Show Fee (Mics, Stage, Equipment, Tech, Insurance)


Mandatory show fee for each performer to be paid before July 22nd includes Rental Equipment, your Insurance, Tech days, Mics, Stage rental, Props, Snacks/Drinks, etc.


  • There are NO refunds unless authorized for emergency reasons and approved. There is a credit for other weeks if approved in advance.
  • We love social media, we market on the web and share the fun. Your actor may be in a photo or video if they are at the camp or perform on Friday-If not agreed please let us know!
  • There is NO meat /poultry allowed at the temple of any kind, Kosher or not.
  • We serve a full Yummy hot lunch MWF for you.

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Discount if paid in full before May 15th – $1050

The popular Disney Musical “The Little Mermaid” will be performed Live on stage by you! August 1st & 4th woooo 2 great shows! Join us now! “The Little Mermaid” Full Staged Production

Time 10am – 4pm Monday–Friday

Discount if paid in full before May 15th just $200 for the week

Talent Showcase August 9th
One Week Finale Camp
Theme: Pop Stars-Taylor Swift-Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Talent Show, Hip Hop, Voice, Musical Theatre, Acting, Acro, Art and more!

Time: 10am – 4pm Monday–Friday

The first 2 weeks of camp from July 1st to July 12th are your “Love it or Leave it 2 weeks” for The full Production of Disneys “The Little Mermaid” you are welcome to Join Camp rehearsals for 2 weeks then YOU decide. You are part of the cast!

No obligation, quit or continue we do understand some conflicts can arise.

Time: 10am– 4pm+ before and after care

The first 2 weeks of camp from July 1st to July 12th are your “Love it or Leave it 2 weeks” for The full Production of Disneys “The Little Mermaid” you are welcome to Join Camp rehearsals for 2 weeks then YOU decide. You are part of the cast!

No obligation, quit or continue we do understand some conflicts can arise.

Time: 10am– 4pm+ before and after care

NOTE: Pay by July 15th for costumes to arrive on time


  • There are NO refunds unless authorized in advance.